Efectos relativistas en los sistemas Galileo, GPS y GLONASS
Effect of a non null pressure on the evolution of perturbations in the matter dominated epoch
Effect of a positive cosmological constant on cosmic strings
Effect of a scale-dependent cosmological term on the motion of small test particles in a Schwarzschild background
Effect of a Weak Electromagnetic Field on Particle Acceleration by a Rotating Black Hole
Effect of calibration errors on Bayesian parameter estimation for gravitational wave signals from inspiral binary systems in the advanced detectors era
Effect of cosmic rays on the resonant gravitational wave detector NAUTILUS at temperature T=1.5 K
Effect of Dynamical Cosmological Constant in presence of Modified Chaplygin Gas for Accelerating Universe
Effect of Earth's rotation on the trajectories of free-fall bodies in Equivalence Principle Experiment
Effect of energy deposited by cosmic-ray particles on interferometric gravitational wave detectors
Effect of extrinsic curvature on quark--hadron phase transition
Effect of gravitational radiation reaction on circular orbits around a spinning black hole
Effect of gravitational radiation reaction on nonequatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole
Effect of heat treatment on mechanical dissipation in Ta$_2$O$_5$ coatings
Effect of inhomogeneity of the Universe on a gravitationally bound local system: A no-go result for explaining the secular increase in the astronomical unit
Effect of interference on thermal noise and coating optimization in dielectric mirrors
Effect of latent mass in inhomogeneous cosmological model with perfect fluid and self-acting scalar field
Effect of Modified Dispersion Relations on Immirzi Parameter
Effect of NUT parameter on the analytic extension of the Cauchy horizon that develop in colliding wave spacetimes
Effect of signature change in NGR