Revised distances to several Bok globules
Revisiting Acceleration of Charged Grains in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Revisiting the Chlorine Abundance in Diffuse Interstellar Clouds from Measurements with the Copernicus Satellite
Revisiting the Role of M31 in the Dynamical History of the Magellanic Clouds
Revisiting the shocks in BHR71: new observational constraints and H2O predictions for Herschel
Ring Formation from an Oscillating Black Hole
Ring Star Formation Rates in Barred and Nonbarred Galaxies
Rings and Halos in the Mid-Infrared: The Planetary Nebulae NGC 7354 and NGC 3242
Rms-flux relation in the optical fast variability data of BL Lacertae object S5 0716+714
ROBO: a Model and a Code for the Study of the Interstellar Medium
Role of emission angular directionality in spin determination of accreting black holes with broad iron line
Role of galactic gaseous halos in recycling enriched winds from bulges to disks: A new bulge-disk chemical connection
Rotating Disks and Non-Kinematic Double Peaks
Rotating thin-disk galaxies through the eyes of Newton
Rotating toroids in G10.62-0.38, G19.61-0.23, and G29.96-0.02
Rotation and Outflow motions in the very low-mass Class 0 protostellar system HH 211 at subarcsecond resolution
Rotation of Halo Populations in the Milky Way and M31
Rotation of the NGC 1333 IRAS 4A2 Protostellar Jet
Rotation-Measures across Parsec-scale Jets of FRI radio galaxies
Rotational Drag Force: A Viable Alternative to Dark Matter