Resolving the baryon-fraction profile in lensing galaxies
Resolving the electron temperature discrepancies in HII Regions and Planetary Nebulae: kappa-distributed electrons
Resolving the inner regions of the HD97048 circumstellar disk with VLT/NACO polarimetric differential imaging
Resolving the Luminosity Problem in Low-Mass Star Formation
Resolving the mid-infrared cores of local Seyferts
Resolving the molecular environment of Super Star Clusters in Henize 2-10
Resolving the obscuring torus in NGC 1068 with the power of infrared interferometry: Revealing the inner funnel of dust
Resolving the Stellar Outskirts of M81: Evidence for a Faint, Extended Structural Component
Resolving the Sub-AU-Scale Gas and Dust Distribution in FU Orionis Sources
Resonances and bifurcations in axisymmetric scale-free potentials
Resonant relaxation and the warp of the stellar disc in the Galactic centre
Resonant structure in the disks of spiral galaxies, using phase-reversals in streaming motions from 2D Hα Fabry-Perot spectroscopy
Rest-frame UV versus optical morphologies of galaxies using Sersic profile fitting: the importance of morphological K-correction
Restrictions on the injection energy of positrons annihilating near the Galactic center
Results of Long-Term Observations of the Maser Emission Source W44C (G34.3+0.15) in the OH and H2O Radio Lines
Revealing the "missing" low-mass stars in the S254-S258 star forming region by deep X-ray imaging
Reverberation in the UV-Optical Continuum Brightness Fluctuations of MACHO Quasar 13.5962.237
Reversal of infall in SgrB2(M) revealed by Herschel/HIFI observations of HCN lines at THz frequencies
Review of OCS gas-phase reactions in dark cloud chemical models
Review of results from EROS Microlensing search for Massive Compact Objects