Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Planetary Nebulae as Green Galactic Citizens
Refractive Convergent Plasma Lenses explain ESE and pulsar scintillation
Regular and chaotic orbits in barred galaxies - I. Applying the SALI/GALI method to explore their distribution in several models
Regulation of Star Formation Rates in Multiphase Galactic Disks: Numerical Tests of the Thermal/Dynamical Equilibrium Model
Relating dust, gas and the rate of star formation in M31
Relation between positional & strength asymmetries of double radio sources associated with active galaxies
Relation of Astrophysical Turbulence and Magnetic Reconnection
Relationship between the Velocity Ellipsoids of Galactic-Disk Stars and their Ages and Metallicities
Relativistic spin-precession in binary pulsars
Relaxation of protostellar accretion shocks using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Relaxation of spherical systems with long-range interactions: a numerical investigation
Relaxation-limited evaporation of globular clusters
Relevance of the 1:1 resonance in galactic dynamics
Reliability of NH3 as the temperature probe of cold cloud cores
Remarkable symmetries in the Milky Way disk's magnetic field
Residual Energy in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Residual energy in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and in the solar wind
Residual Energy in Weak and Strong MHD Turbulence
Resolved Images of Large Cavities in Protoplanetary Transition Disks
Resolved photometry of extragalactic young massive star clusters