Recent Progress in Chirality Research Using Circularly Polarized Light
Recent star formation in the inner Galactic Bulge seen by ISOGAL II -- The Central Molecular Zone
Recent Star-Forming Activity in Local Elliptical Galaxies
Recoiling Massive Black Holes in Gas-Rich Galaxy Mergers
Reconciling the emission mechanism discrepancy in Mira's tail, and its evolution in an interface with shear
Reconciling the Galactic Bulge Turnoff Age Discrepancy with Enhanced Helium Enrichment
Reconnection Diffusion and Star Formation
Reconnection in weakly stochastic B-fields in 2D
Reconsidering the galactic coordinate system
Reconstructing the Arches I: Constraining the Initial Conditions
Reconstruction of the Structure of Accretion Disks in Dwarf Novae from the Multi-Band Light Curves of Early Superhumps
Recurrent gas accretion by massive star clusters, multiple stellar populations and mass thresholds for spherical stellar systems
Recurrent Novae: Progenitors of SN Ia?
Red Clump stars in the Bootes III stellar system
Red Clump Stars in the Sagittarius Tidal Streams
Red Eyes on Wolf-Rayet Stars: 60 New Discoveries via Infrared Color Selection
Red Giant Branch Bump Brightness and Number Counts in 72 Galactic Globular Clusters Observed with the Hubble Space Telescope
Red Supergiants in the Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
Reddening and metallicity maps of the Milky Way Bulge from VVV and 2MASS. I.The method and minor axis maps
Reddening and metallicity maps of the Milky Way bulge from VVV and 2MASS II. The complete high resolution extinction map and implications for Bulge studies