Radio pulsar populations
Radio Recombination Lines at Decametre Wavelengths: Prospects for the Future
Radio Recombination Lines toward the Galactic Center Lobe
Radio sources with ultra-high polarization
Radio-optical scrutiny of compact AGN: Correlations between properties of pc-scale jets and optical nuclear emission
Radioactive and kinematic tracers of feedback from massive stars
Radioactivity and Electron Acceleration in Supernova Remnants
Radiogalaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: spectral index-environment correlations
Ram pressure stripping of the multiphase ISM in the Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4438
RAMSES-CH: A New Chemodynamical Code for Cosmological Simulations
RAMSES-CH: A New Chemodynamics Code
Rapid dynamical mass segregation and properties of fractal star clusters
Rapid Intrinsic Variability of Sgr A* at Radio Wavelengths
Rapidly Rotating Lenses: Repeating features in the lightcurves of short period binary microlenses
RCW 86: A Type Ia Supernova in a Wind-Blown Bubble
Re-analysis of the radio luminosity function of Galactic HII regions
Reaction Networks For Interstellar Chemical Modelling: Improvements and Challenges
Realistic Simulations of the Galactic Polarized Foreground: Consequences for 21-cm Reionization Detection Experiments
Reassessing The Fundamentals: New Constraints on the Evolution, Ages and Masses of Neutron Stars
Rebirth of X-ray Emission from the Born-Again Planetary Nebula A 30