"Variable" Lunar regions.
"We are all star stuff"
"Weighing a Double-Star" [Review of Professor PICKERING'S work on Zeta Ursæ Majoris, reprinted from Knowledge]
"Weighing" the Universe: Searching for Distant Supernovae to Measure qo
"What are they observing in Draco?". (Slovenian Title: "Le kaj vendarle opazujejo v Zmaju?")
"Where do we Germans remain?" - Johann Jakob Marinoni (Vienna) and the instrumentation of an Observatory around 1720 (German Title: "Wo aber bleiben wir Teutschen?" - Johann Jakob Marinoni (Wien) und die Instrumentierung einer Sternwarte um 1720)
"White Sky" Color Imaging
"Windows" in the Galactic Plane
"Word of Discovery": A Planetary Example from Volume I of the Astronomical Journal
"Working Group on Space Sciences in Africa" Formed (News Note)
"X-Ray Transients in Star-Forming Regions" and "Hard X-Ray Emission from X-Ray Bursters"
"Yondering" IYA: How the Astronomical Society of the Pacific is Adapting its International Year of Astronomy Programs for the Long Haul
"Yugoslavia" Branch of the International Astronomical Institute "Isaac Newton"
"Zähe" Scheiben - Test: Zwergnovae.
"π of the Sky" - automated search for fast optical transients over the whole sky
%T Schreiben des Herrn d'Arrest an den Herausgeber
'98 - 99 Annual Meeting and Symposium of Shanghai Astronomical Society (Shanghai (China), 16 Apr 1999).
'A crossroad on physics & eclipses of the Sun'
'Abnormal' Emission Line Intensities of Hydrogen
'Alfven wing' models of the induced electrical current system at Io - A probe of the ionosphere of Io