"Flare stars in the Orion Nebula Region" by Haro & Chavira (1969). Overview from Tonanzintla plates to the X-ray Space missions
"Flexible Path” and Future Astronomical Missions
"Following the Water" on Mars: Where Is It, How Much Is There, and How Can We Access It?
"For the good of astronomy": the manufacture, sale, and distant use of William Herschel's telescopes
"Friction" between cosmic rays and the interstellar gas.
"From Earth to the Universe" in IYA 2009
"From Earth to the Universe" Project Launches Around Globe
"From Earth to the Universe": Bringing An Exhibition of Astronomical Images To Your Backyard
"From Earth to the Universe": Update on the IYA2009 Worldwide Exhibition of Astronomical Images
"Für alle Zeiten, für alle Menschen". Vor 125 Jahren wurde die Meterkonvention unterzeichnet.
"Geminga": un esempio di studio a multilunghezze d'onda.
"Generic term" technique in computation of asteroid perturbations.
"GENOME" Records in the History of X-ray Astronomy
"GoldHelox": A Robotic Soft X-Ray Solar Telescope
"Grimnismal" 10: Old Norse Astronomy
"Guide to the Planets"
"Heart" of Herschel to be presented to media
"High Angular Resolution Observations of Protoplanetary Disks with Adaptive Optics"
"Hot" Big Bang confirmed.
"Huruhata's Variable" Revealed: The WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova EG CANCRI