Yunus, Abu'l-Hasan ibn (950-1009)
Yuri Gagarin - The Columbus of Space
Yuri Ilich Galperin
YY Draconis and V709 Cassiopeiae: two intermediate polars with weak magnetic fields
YY Geminorum. I - Photometry and absolute dimensions
YY Geminorum: A Very Late Type Close Binary with Possible Magnetic Stellar Wind
YY Her Secondary Eclipses in the System Revealed
YY Her photometric history over 1890-1996 (Munari+ 1997)
YY Herculis
YY Herculis
YY Herculis
YY Herculis
YY Herculis
YY Herculis
YY Herculis
YY Herculis
YZ Andromedæ, Elements of, variation of
YZ Carinae - an 18-day Cepheid in a binary system
YZ Phoenicis: Photometric Study of a W UMa Binary near the Short Period Limit
YZ Sagittarii Neue Elemente und Lichtkurve