P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impact: Observations at the Pico-dos-Dias Observatory
P32Tools: Reduction of ISOPHOT P32 oversampled maps
P4M: a parallel version of P3M
P60 Photometric Monitoring of SN2009hd
Pace's Mar 11 Fireball, Cosmos 57.
Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Pacific Northwest Laboratory, operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the Department of Energy, Rattlesnake Mountain Observatory, Richland, Washington 99352. Report.
Pacific seamount volcanism in space and time
Pacific tectonics: Eastern-Pacific "stationarity" of EPR and causative association with Equator
Pacific-Antarctic-Australia motion and the formation of the Macquarie Plate
Packaging and deployment of a 5.5 MWe potassium-Rankine nuclear electric propulsion spacecraft
Packaging design for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory high-resistivity CCDs
Packaging for SNAP CCDs
Packed Perturbers: Short-term Interactions Among Uranus’ Inner Moons
Packet of Proposals for collaboration between IAU and the developing world.
Packing Instruments for Transportation
PACS molecular spectroscopy of OH/IR stars
Padova 1 - A heavily obscured Seyfert galaxy in Aquila
Padre Francesco De Vico, astronomo maceratese. Un ricordo nel bicentenario della nascita