Kosmische Wolken in der Umgebung von V und UW Draconis
Kosmische Zerfallshypothese
Kosmischer Raum von variabler Krümmung und das Hubblesche Phänomen
Kosmologie im Unterricht.
Kosmologie mit dem COBE-Satellit.
Kosmos 428 observations of hard X rays from the galactic-center region
Kosmos 856 and Kosmos 914 measurements of high-energy diffuse gamma rays
Kosmos 856 observations of the flaring X-ray pulsar FXP 0520-66
KOSMOS856 and KOSMOS914 Measurements of High-Energy Diffuse Gamma-Rays
Kourganoff's Contributions to the History of the Discovery of Pluto
Kowalski, Marian: A little known pioneer in stellar statistics
Koyaanismuuyaw: the Hypothesis of a Perennially Dichotomous Triton
KP observations of CO 2-1 in the IRAS 2306+1451 area: One cloud or two?
KPD 0422+5421: A New Subdwarf B/White Dwarf Binary
KPD 2146+4117 - The coolest DBA white dwarf
KPG 468: Photometric and Kinematic Traces of an Interaction
KPNO 4m FTS Observations of the Infrared Band at 2.125 μm (4705 cm-1) in the Spectrum of Io
KPNO FTS Measurements of the Fundamental and First Overtone Bands of Solar Carbon Monoxide
KPNO lunar occultation summary. I
KPNO lunar occultation summary. II