Hotelling's test for highly correlated data
It is Time to Stop Teaching Frequentism to Non-statisticians
Markov Equivalences for Subclasses of Loopless Mixed Graphs
Markov Properties for Loopless Mixed Graphs
Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Network Models
Model Selection in Undirected Graphical Models with the Elastic Net
Modern Portfolio Theory using SAS\textregistered OR
Note on the closed-form MLEs of k-component load-sharing systems
On individual neutrality and collective decision making
Reading Theorie Analytique des Probabilites
Removing Gaussian Noise by Optimization of Weights in Non-Local Means
Some notes on biasedness and unbiasedness of two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Sparse solution of overdetermined linear systems when the columns of $A$ are orthogonal
Squaring the Circle and Cubing the Sphere: Circular and Spherical Copulas
Stable Mixed Graphs
Statistical Inference: The Big Picture
Sweave Documentation for "Implementing Markov chain Monte Carlo: Estimating with confidence"
Technical Report: Energy Evaluation of preamble Sampling MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
Tests of Non-Equivalence among Absolutely Nonsingular Tensors through Geometric Invariants
The Lyman-alpha Forest in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey