Weakly Nonlinear Theory of Pattern-Forming Systems with Spontaneously Broken Isotropy
Weakly versus highly nonlinear dynamics in 1D systems
Whirling Hexagons and Defect Chaos in Hexagonal Non-Boussinesq Convection
Whitham deformations partially saturating the modulational instability in the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
Whitham method for Benjamin-Ono-Burgers equation and dispersive shocks in internal waves in deep fluid
Why Turing mechanism is an obstacle to stationary periodic patterns in bounded reaction-diffusion media with advection
Wide defect in a Resonantly Absorbing Bragg Grating as a nonlinear microresonator for polaritons
Wobbling kinks in $φ^4$ theory
Worm Structure in Modified Swift-Hohenberg Equation for Electroconvection