Amplitude equations and pattern selection in Faraday waves
Amplitude equations for a linear wave equation in a weakly curved pipe
Amplitude equations for coupled electrostatic waves in the limit of weak instability
Amplitude equations near pattern forming instabilities for strongly driven ferromagnets
Amplitude Expansions for Instabilities in Populations of Globally-Coupled Oscillators
Amplitude measurements of Faraday waves
An analytical stability theory for Faraday waves and the observation of the harmonic surface response
An Analytical Study in Coupled Map Lattices of Synchronized States and Travelling Waves, and of their Period-Doubling Cascades
An envelope-function approach for a one-dimensional photonic crystal containing single negative materials
An instability criterion for nonlinear standing waves on nonzero backgrounds
An integrable shallow water equation with peaked solitons
Analysis of Optimal Velocity Model with Explicit Delay
Analysis of spatial emission structures in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with feedback of a volume Bragg grating
Analysis of supercontinuum generation under general dispersion characteristics and beyond the slowly varying envelope approximation
Analytic considerations in the study of spatial patterns arising from non-local interaction effects in population dynamics
Analytic doubly periodic wave patterns for the integrable discrete nonlinear Schroedinger (Ablowitz-Ladik) model
Analytic model for a frictional shallow-water undular bore
Analytic solitary waves of nonintegrable equations
Analytic solutions for nonlinear waves in coupled reacting systems
Analytic structure of the four-wave mixing model in photorefractive materials