Abnormal Rolls and Regular Arrays of Disclinations in Homeotropic Electroconvection
Absolutely stable solitons in two-component active systems
Accelerated Imaginary-time Evolution Methods for the Computation of Solitary Waves
Accumulation of embedded solitons in systems with quadratic nonlinearity
Accurate control of a Bose-Einstein condensate by managing the atomic interaction
Accurate switching intensities and length scales in quasi-phase-matched materials
Additive Noise Induces Front Propagation
Adiabatic reduction near a bifurcation in stochastically modulated systems
Aggregation of finite size particles with variable mobility
Aggregation Patterns in Stressed Bacteria
Algebras of Charges
All-Optical Generation and Steering of Spatial Solitons in Discrete Waveguide Array
All-optical switching and amplification of discrete vector solitons in nonlinear cubic birefringent waveguide arrays
All-optical switching in a two-channel waveguide with cubic-quintic nonlinearity
All-optical switching in rubidium vapor
Alternative pathways of dewetting for a thin two-layer film of soft matter
Alternative Stable Scroll Waves and Conversion of Autowave Turbulence
Amplification in the auditory periphery: the effect of coupling tuning mechanisms
Amplitude Equation for Lattice Maps, a Renormalization Group Approach
Amplitude equations and pattern selection in Faraday waves