Unital Grobner Bases over Arbitrary Ground Rings
Unitary Lie Algebras and Lie Tori of Type BC_r, r \geq 3
Unitary modules for the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra
Unitary representations for the Schrödinger-Virasoro Lie algebra
Unitary SK_1 for a Graded Division Ring and its Quotient Division Ring
Unitary SK_1 of semiramified graded and valued division algebras
Unitary Tridiagonalisation in M(4, C)
Unitary Units of The Group Algebra ${\mathbb{F}}_{2^k}Q_{8}$
Universal algorithms for generalized discrete matrix Bellman equations with symmetric Toeplitz matrix
Universal associative envelopes of (n+1)-dimensional n-Lie algebras
Universal central extensions of direct limits of Lie superalgebras
Universal deformation formulas and braided module algebras
Universal enveloping algebras and universal derivations of Poisson algebras
Universal equivalence of partially commutative metabelian Lie algebras
Universal Groebner Bases in Weyl Algebras
Universal Lie algebra extensions via commutative structures
Universal localisations of hereditary rings
Universal localization of triangular matrix rings
Universal Similarity Factorization Equalities over Complex Clifford Algebras
Universality of the lattice of transformation monoids