Products in Hochschild cohomology and Grothendieck rings of group crossed products
Projective bases of division algebras and groups of central type II
Projective completions of Jordan pairs. Part I: The generalized projective geometry of a Lie algebra
Projective modules over Frobenius algebras and Hopf comodule algebras
Projectively simple rings
Projectivity and freeness over comodule algebras
Projectivity and isomorphisms of strictly simple algebras
Projectivity of Hopf algebras over subalgebras with semilocal central localizations
Proof of Two Dimensional Jacobian Conjecture
Proper Resolutions and Auslander-Type Conditions of Modules
Properly twisted groups and their algebras
Properties of Free Baxter Algebras
Proving the existence of eigenvalues and eigenvectors by Weierstrass's theorem
Pseudo-euclidean Jordan algebras
Pseudo-polynomial functions over finite distributive lattices
Pseudo-unitarizable weight modules over generalized Weyl algebras
Pseudocompact algebras and highest weight categories
Pure Dimension and Projectivity of Tropical Polytopes
Pure subrings of regular local rings, endomorphism rings and Frobenius morphisms
Pure-injective hulls of modules over valuation rings