Morita equivalences induced by bimodules over Hopf-Galois extensions
Morita invariance of the filter dimension and of the inequality of Bernstein
Morita theory for coring extensions and cleft bicomodules
Morita Theory for corings and cleft entwining structures
Morita theory of comodules over corings
Morphic and principal-ideal group rings
Morphismes quadratiques entre modules sur un anneau carré
Morphisms from P2 to Gr(2,C4)
Multi-dimensional vector product
Multi-Hypersubstitutions and Colored Solid Varieties
Multialternating graded polynomials and growth of polynomial identities
Multidegree for bifiltered $D$-modules and hypergeometric systems
Multidegree for bifiltered D-modules
Multiloop algebras, iterated loop algebras and extended affine Lie algebras of nullity 2
Multiloop Lie algebras and the construction of extended affine Lie algebras
Multiloop realization of extended affine Lie algebras and Lie tori
Multiple Commutator Formulas
Multiplicative preprojective algebras, middle convolution and the Deligne-Simpson problem
Multiplicative structures for Koszul algebras
Multiplicities in the mixed trace cocharacter sequence of two $3\times 3$ matrices