Projective dimension of modules over cluster-tilted algebras
Projective Dimensions in Cluster-Tilted Categories
Projective modules and involutions
Projective Pseudodifferential Analysis and Harmonic Analysis
Projective Schur functions as a bispherical functions on certain homogeneous superspaces
Projective unitary representations of smooth Deligne cohomology groups
Projective-injective modules, Serre functors and symmetric algebras
Projectivity of modules for infinitesimal unipotent group schemes
Proof of the modular branching rule for cyclotomic Hecke algebras
Propagation of multiplicity-freeness property for holomorphic vector bundles
Properly stratified algebras and tilting
Properties of the Solomon homomorphism
Property (RD) for cocompact lattices in a finite product of rank one Lie groups with some rank two Lie groups
Pseudodifferential operators on prehomogeneous vector spaces
Ptolemy diagrams and torsion pairs in the cluster category of Dynkin type A_n
Pureté des fibres de Springer affines pour $GL_4$
Purity of equivalued affine Springer fibers
PyCox: Computing with (finite) Coxeter groups and Iwahori-Hecke algebras