Presenting Schur algebras as quotients of the universal enveloping algebra of gl(2)
Primitive Central Idempotents of the Group Algebra
Primitive Characters and Permutation Characters of Solvable Groups
Primitive ideals in W-algebras of type A
Primitive ideals, non-restricted representations and finite W-algebras
Primitive orthogonal idempotents for R-trivial monoids
Primitive spherical systems
Primitive vectors of Kac-modules of the Lie superalgebras sl(m/n)
Principal basis in Cartan subalgebra
Principal Gelfand pairs
Principal Nilpotent pairs in a semisimple Lie algebra, I
Principal representations of SO(p,p+1)
Principal Series Representations of Direct Limit Groups
Principal Series Representations of Infinite Dimensional Lie Groups, I: Minimal Parabolic Subgroups
Principal series representations of metaplectic groups over local fields
Problems of classifying associative or Lie algebras and triples of symmetric or skew-symmetric matrices are wild
Product formulas for the cyclotomic v-Schur algebra and for the canonical bases of the Fock space
Products of Geck-Rouquier conjugacy classes and the Hecke algebra of composed permutations
Produit d'entrelacement et action triangulaire d'algèbres de Lie
Projections of Singular Vectors of Verma Modules over Rank 2 Kac-Moody Lie Algebras