Nonstandard braid relations and Chebyshev polynomials
Normal form of m-by-n-by-2 matrices for equivalence
Normal forms for orthogonal similarity classes of skew-symmetric matrices
Normal forms for real quadratic forms
Normal forms of matrices over the ring of formal series
Normal forms of modules over admissible algebras with formal two-ray modules
Normality of maximal orbit closures for Euclidean quivers
Normality of nilpotent varieties in $E_6$
Normality of orbit closures in the enhanced nilpotent cone
Normality of very even nilpotent varieties in D_2l
Normalized intertwining operators and nilpotent elements in the Langlands dual group
Normalizers of ad-nilpotent ideals
Note on Laplace operators and homologies of a few Lie subalgebras of $A_1^{(1)}$
Note on The Generalized Derivation Tower Theorem for Lie algebras
Note sur les invariants du groupe affine
Notes on affine canonical and monomial bases
Notes on character sheaves
Notes on Coxeter Transformations and the McKay correspondence
Notes on GIT-fans for quivers
Notes on MVW-extensions