Categorification of (induced) cell modules and the rough structure of generalized Verma modules
Categorification of a linear algebra identity and factorization of Serre functors
Categorification of acyclic cluster algebras: an introduction
Categorification of highest weight modules over quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebras
Categorification of integrable representations of quantum groups
Categorification of Quantum Generalized Kac-Moody Algebras and Crystal Bases
Categorification of skew-symmetrizable cluster algebras
Categorification of the braid groups
Categorification of the Fibonacci numbers using representations of quivers
Categorification of Wedderburn's basis for \mathbb{C}[S_n]
Categorified Jones-Wenzl Projectors: a comparison
Categorifying fractional Euler characteristics, Jones-Wenzl projector and $3j$-symbols
Category $\mathcal O$ for the Virasoro algebra: Cohomology and Koszulity
Category O for quantum groups
Category O for Rational Cherednik Algebras H_{t,c}(GL_2(F_p),h) in Characteristic p
Category O for the rational Cherednik algebra associated to the complex reflection group G_12
Category O over a deformation of the symplectic oscillator algebra
Category O over skew group rings
Category of sp(2n)-modules with bounded weight multiplicities
Cayley's hyperdeterminant: a combinatorial approach via representation theory