Cartan matrices and presentations of Cunha and Elduque superalgebras
Cartan matrices and presentations of the exceptional simple Elduque Lie superalgebra
Cartan subalgebras of root-reductive Lie algebras
Cartan--Helgason theorem, Poisson transform, and Furstenberg--Satake compactifications
Cartan-decomposition subgroups of SO(2,n)
Cartan-decomposition subgroups of SU(2,n)
Carter-Payne homomorphisms and branching rules for endomorphism rings of Specht modules
Carter-Payne homomorphisms and Jantzen filtrations
Casimir operators for Lie superalgebras
Casimir operators, abelian subspaces and u-cohomology
Casimir values for universal Lie algebra
Casselman's basis of Iwahori vectors and the Bruhat order
Categorical construction of A,D,E root systems
Catégories de foncteurs en grassmanniennes et filtration de Krull
Categories derivees et varietes de Deligne-Lusztig
Categories of integrable $sl(\infty)$-, $o(\infty)$-, $sp(\infty)$-modules
Categories of modules given by varieties of p-nilpotent operators
Categories of modules over an affine Kac-Moody algebra and the Kazhdan-Lusztig tensor product
Categories of unitary representations of Banach-Lie supergroups and restriction functors
Categories parametrized by schemes and representation theory in complex rank