Covers for self-dual supercuspidal representations of the Siegel Levi subgroup of classical p-adic groups
Cowling-Price theorem and characterization of heat kernel on symmetric spaces
Coxeter Elements and Periodic Auslander-Reiten Quiver
Coxeter Elements and Root Bases
Coxeter group actions on the complement of hyperplanes and special involutions
Coxeter groups, imaginary cones and dominance
Coxeter orbits and Brauer trees
Coxeter orbits and Brauer trees II
Coxeter orbits and Brauer trees III
Coxeter orbits and modular representations
Coxeter transformation and inverses of Cartan matrices for coalgebras
Cramped subgroups and generalized Harish-Chandra modules
Criteria for rational smoothness of some symmetric orbit closures
Criterion of unitary similarity for upper triangular matrices in general position
Cross characteristic representations of $^3D_4(q)$ are Reducible over proper subgroups
Cross-projective representations of pairs of anticommutative algebras, alloys and finite-dimensional irreducible representations of some infinite-dimensional Lie algebras
Crossover Morita equivalences of spin representations of the symmetric and alternating groups
Crown theory for the upper halfplane
Crystal bases and simple modules for Hecke algebras of type G(p,p,n)
Crystal bases for the quantum queer superalgebra