Continuous representations of groupoids
Contraction par Frobenius de G-modules
Convolution algebras for Heckman-Opdam polynomials derived from compact Grassmannians
Convolution of almost characters
Corner view on the crown domain
Correspondance de Howe: paires duales de type II
Correspondance de Langlands numerique pour la $\bar{\bf F}_p$-algebre de Hecke du pro-$p$-Iwahori de $GL_n(F)$
Correspondance de Springer modulaire et matrices de décomposition
Corrigendum to `Orbit closures in the enhanced nilpotent cone', published in Adv. Math. 219 (2008)
Corrigendum: The base change fundamental lemma for central elements in parahoric Hecke algebras
Counterexamples to Okounkov's Log-Concavity Conjecture
Counting characters in linear group actions
Counting cluster-tilted algebras of type $A_n$
Counting integral matrices with a given characteristic polynomial
Counting p'-characters in finite reductive groups
Counting Quiver Representations over Finite Fields Via Graph Enumeration
Counting, Mixing and Equidistribution of horospheres in geometrically finite rank one locally symmetric manifolds
Covariants and the no-name lemma
Covering functors without groups
Coverings of Laura Algebras: the Standard Case