Canonical basic sets for Hecke algebras
Canonical basic sets in type B
Canonical basis for quantum osp(1|2)
Canonical form of m-by-2-by-2 matrices over a field of characteristic other than two
Canonical forms for complex matrix congruence and *congruence
Canonical Forms for Families of Anti-commuting Diagonalizable Linear Operators
Canonical Forms for Unitary Congruence and *Congruence
Canonical matrices for linear matrix problems
Canonical matrices of bilinear and sesquilinear forms
Canonical matrices of forms and pairs of forms over finite and p-adic fields
Canonical matrices of isometric operators on indefinite inner product spaces
Canonical tilting modules over shod algebras are regular in codimension one
Canonical Torsion-Free Connections on the Total Space of the Tangent and the Cotangent Bundle
Capelli elements in the classical universal enveloping algebras
Caracteres de rigidite du groupe de Grothendieck-Teichmuller
Caractères semi-simples de G_2(F), F corps local non archimédien
Caractères tordus des représentations admissibles
Card shuffling and the decomposition of tensor products
Cartan Determinants and Shapovalov forms
Cartan matrices and Brauer's k(B)-conjecture