A multiplicative property of quantum flag minors
A multiplicative property of quantum flag minors II
A natural representation model for symmetric groups
A new approach to Kostant's problem
A new approach to the representation theory of the symmetric groups, III: Induced representations and the Frobenius--Young correspondence
A new approach to the representation theory of the symmetric groups. IV. $ \Bbb Z_{2}$-graded groups and algebras
A New Approach to the Representation Thoery of the Symmetric Groups. 2
A New Construction for the Tame Local Langlands Correspondence for GL(n,F), n a prime
A new construction of the asymptotic algebra associated to the $q$-Schur algebra
A New Factor from E6-Mod to E7-Mod
A new family of representatiosnof virtually free groups
A New Functor from $D_5$-Mod to $E_6$-Mod
A new fusion procedure for the Brauer algebra and evaluation homomorphisms
A new integral basis for the centre of the Hecke algebra of type A
A new invariant of quadratic Lie algebras
A New Multiplicity Formula for the Weyl Modules of Type A
A new perspective on the Frenkel-Zhu fusion rule theorem
A non-commutative Sobolev estimate and its application to spectral synthesis
A non-existence theorem for almost split sequences
A non-recursive criterion for weights of a highest weight module for an affine Lie algebra