A Koszul category of representations of finitary Lie algebras
A Lie theoretic interpretation of multivariate hypergeometric polynomials
A Lie-theoretic construction of representations of the degenerate affine and double affine Hecke algebras of type $BC_n$
A limit transition from the Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric functions to the Whittaker functions associated with root systems
A Littelmann path model for crystals of Generalized Kac-Moody algebras
A Littlewood-Richardson rule for evaluation representations of quantum affine sl(n)
A local criterion for Weyl modules for groups of type A
A local Paley-Wiener theorem for compact symmetric spaces
A Local Relative Trace Formula for F*\SL(2,F)
A Localization Argument for Characters of Reductive Lie Groups
A Localization Argument for Characters of Reductive Lie Groups: An Introduction and Examples
A Localization Theorem for Finite W-algebras
A mirror symmetric solution to the quantum Toda lattice
A mixed hook-length formula for affine Hecke algebras
A mock metaplectic representation
A modified Brauer algebra as centralizer algebra of the unitary group
A modular branching rule for the generalized symmetric groups
A module-theoretic interpretation of Schiffler's expansion formula
A motivated introduction to character sheaves and the orbit method for unipotent groups in positive characteristic
A multiplication formula for module subcategories of Ext-symmetry