A geometric description of the m-cluster categories of type D_n
A Geometric Embedding for Standard Analytic Modules
A geometric interpretation and explicit form for higher-order Hankel operators
A geometric interpretation of the triangulated structure of m-cluster categories
A geometric Jacquet functor
A geometric model for cluster categories of type $D_n$
A geometric model of tube categories
A Geometric Proof of the Feigin-Frenkel Theorem
A Geometric Realization of Degenerate Principal Series Representations of Symplectic Groups
A geometric Schur-Weyl duality for quotients of affine Hecke algebras
A geometric version of BGP reflection functors
A Global version of Grozman's theorem
A graphical calculus for 2-block Spaltenstein varieties
A Hilbert theorem for vertex algebras
A homological interpretation of Jantzen's sum formula
A homological interpretation of the transverse quiver Grassmannians
A homological study of Green polynomials
A Howe-type correspondence for the dual pair (sl(2),sl(n)) in sl(2n)
A hyperdeterminant for 2 x 2 x 3 arrays
A Kazhdan group with an infinite outer automorphism group