A duality for the double fibration transform
A duality of a twisted group algebra of the hyperoctahedral group and the queer Lie superalgebra
A duality of the twisted group algebra of the symmetric group and a Lie superalgebra
A factorization theorem for affine Kazhdan-Lusztig basis elements
A faithful tensor space representation for the blob algebra
A family of Koszul algebras arising from finite-dimensional representations of simple Lie algebras
A family of polynomials related to generic degrees
A finite presentation for extended affine Weyl groups (simply laced types)
A formula for the hypergeometric function of type $BC_n$
A formula for the R-matrix using a system of weight preserving endomorphisms
A formula of Arthur and affine Hecke algebras
A Frobenius-Schur theorem for Hopf algebras
A Gelfand Model for Wreath Products
A general form of Gelfand-Kazhdan criterion
A general Kirillov Theory for locally compact nilpotent groups
A general tensor product theorem
A generalisation of the category $\mathcal{O}$ of Bernstein-Bernstein-Gelfand
A generalization of Cachazo-Douglas-Seiberg-Witten conjecture for symmetric spaces
A generalization of Gabriel's Galois covering functors and derived equivalences
A generalization of Hall polynomials to ADE case