A categorical approach to classical and quantum Schur-Weyl duality
A categorical approach to Weyl modules
A categorification of integral Specht modules
A Categorification of the Spin Representation of $U(\mf{so}(7,\C))$ via Projective Functors
A category of modules for the full toroidal Lie algebra
A cellular algebra with certain idempotent decomposition
A central element in the universal enveloping algebra of type D_n via minor summation formula of Pfaffians
A central limit theorem for the characters of the infinite symmetric group and of the infinite Hecke algebra
A character formula for certain representations of loop groups based on non-simply connected Lie groups
A character formula for compact elements (the rank one case)
A Character Formula for the Category Õ
A characteristic free tilting bundle for Grassmannians
A characteristic subgroup for fusion systems
A characteristic-free decomposition of tensor space as a Brauer algebra module
A characterization of admissible algebras with formal two-ray modules
A characterization of Dynkin elements
A Characterization of Finite EI Categories with Hereditary Category Algebras
A characterization of the unitary highest weight modules by Euclidean Jordan algebras
A characterization of torsion theories in the cluster category of Dynkin type A_{\infty}
A Chebycheff recursion formula for Coxeter polynomials