A non-simply laced version for cluster structures on 2-Calabi-Yau categories
A non-smooth continuous unitary representation of a Banach-Lie group
A normal form for admissible characters in the sense of Lynch
A note of Zuk's criterion
A note on affine quotients and equivariant double fibrations
A note on certain finite-dimensional representations of the braid group
A note on certain Kronecker coefficients
A note on De Concini and Procesi's curious identity
A Note on Derivations of Lie Algebras
A note on Hecke patterns in Category O
A note on moments of derivatives of characteristic polynomials
A note on special orthogonal groups following Waldspurger
A note on tensor categories of Lie type $E_9$
A note on the Capelli identities for symmetric pairs of Hermitian type
A note on the global structure of proper Lie groupoids in low codimensions
A note on the Grothendieck ring of the symmetric group
A note on the Navarro conjecture for alternating groups with abelian defect
A note on the spectral properties of cluster algebras
A notion of rank for unitary representations of reductive groups based on Kirillov's orbit method
A novel characterization of the Iwasawa decomposition of a simple Lie group