$C^*$-Tensor Categories in the Theory of $II_1$-Subfactors
$C^*-$crossed product of groupoid actions on categories
$C^\ast$-algebras from Anzai flows and their $K$-groups
$C^{\ast}$-Algebras associated with Mauldin-Williams Graphs
$II_1$-Subfactors associated with the $C^*$-Tensor Category of a Finite Group
$K$-theory of $C^*$-algebras of directed graphs
$K$-theory of Furstenberg transformation group $C^*$-algebras
$L^p$-Spaces as Quasi *-Algebras
$p$-Operator Spaces and Figá-Talamanca-Herz Algebras
$R$-diagonal pairs - a common approach to Haar unitaries and circular elements
$R$-matrices and the Yang-Baxter equation on GNS representations of C$^{*}$-bialgebras
$\mathbb Z_n$--graded Independence
$^{*}$-Regularity of Operator Space Projective Tensor Product of C$^{*}$-Algebras
$ζ-$function and heat kernel formulae
(2+1)-dimensional topological quantum field theory from subfactors and Dehn surgery formula for 3-manifold invariants
*-Doubles and embedding of associative algebras in B(H)
*-Representations of a Quantum Heisenberg Group Algebra
*-semigroup endomorphisms of B(H)
2-Local derivations and automorphisms on $B(H)$