Quantum Free Yang-Mills on the Plane
Quantum Functions
Quantum Functor $Mor$
Quantum groups and Hadamard matrices
Quantum Hall Effect and Noncommutative Geometry
Quantum invariant families of matrices in free probability
Quantum isometries and noncommutative spheres
Quantum Isometry Group of the n tori
Quantum isometry groups
Quantum Isometry Groups of 0- Dimensional Manifolds
Quantum isometry groups of duals of free powers of cyclic groups
Quantum isometry groups of noncommutative manifolds associated to group C*-algebras
Quantum Isometry groups of the Podles Spheres
Quantum Ito B*-algebras, their Classification and Decomposition
Quantum Markov Processes (Correspondences and Dilations)
Quantum Markov Semigroups (Product Systems and Subordination)
Quantum Mechanics and Operator algebras on the Hilbert ball
Quantum multiple construction of subfactors
Quantum random walk approximation on locally compact quantum groups
Quantum random walks and their convergence