MSc Thesis: Presentation of Certain New Trends in Noncommutative Geometry
Multi-indexed p-orthogonal sums in non-commutative Lebesgue spaces
Multi-interval Subfactors and Modularity of Representations in Conformal Field Theory
Multi-variable subordination distributions for free additive convolution
Multidimensional operator multipliers
Multilinear function series and transforms in free probability theory
Multilinear function series in conditionally free probability with amalgamation
Multiplication of free random variables and the S-transform: the case of vanishing mean
Multiplication operators on the energy space
Multiplicative maps on ideals of operators which are local automorphisms
Multiplicative Monotone Convolution
Multiplicative properties of positive maps
Multiplicity-free representations of commutative C*-algebras and spectral properties
Multiplier Hopf *-algebras with positive integrals: A laboratory for locally compact quantum groups
Multiplier Hopf algebras imbedded in C$^*$-algebraic quantum groups
Multipliers and dual operator algebras
Multipliers and Hereditary Subalgebras of Operator Algebras
Multipliers between two operator spaces
Multipliers of operator spaces, and the injective envelope
Multiply generated dynamical systems and the duality of higher rank graph algebras