Moments of the Generating Operator of Two Copies of L(F_2)'s over L(F_1)
Monotone operator functions on $C^*$-algebra
Monotone operator functions, gaps and power moment problem
Monotone trace functions of several variables
More localized automorphisms of the Cuntz algebras
Morita "equivalences" of equivariant torus spectral triples
Morita Equivalence for Quantum Heisenberg Manifolds
Morita equivalence in the context of Hilbert modules
Morita Equivalence of C^*-Crossed Products by Inverse Semigroup Actions and Partial Actions
Morita equivalence of dual operator algebras
Morita equivalence of measured quantum groupoids: Application to deformation of measured quantum groupoids by 2-cocycles
Morita equivalence of nest algebras
Morita equivalence of smooth noncommutative tori
Morita equivalences between fixed point algebras and crossed products
Morita equivalent subalgebras of irrational rotation algebras and real quadratic fields
Morita Transforms of Tensor Algebras
Morita Type Equivalences and Reflexive Algebras
Morita-Rieffel Equivalence and Spectral Theory for Integrable Automorphism Groups of C*-Algebras
Morphisms of locally compact groupoids endowed with Haar systems
Morphisms of Multiplicative Unitaries