Measured quantum groupoids with a central basis
Measures on projections in a $W^*$-algebra of type $I_2$
Meet Irreducible Ideals and Representations of Limit Algebras
Meet irreducible ideals in direct limit algebras
Metric aspects of noncommutative homogeneous spaces
Metric characterizations II
Metric characterizations of isometries and of unital operator spaces and systems
Metrics on State Spaces
Metrics on states from actions of compact groups
Metrics On The Quantum Heisenberg Manifold
MF-traces and a Lower Bound for the Topological Free Entropy Dimension in Unital C*-algebras
Microstates free entropy and cost of equivalence relations
Minimal and Maximal Operator Spaces and Operator Systems in Entanglement Theory
Minimal Bratteli diagrams and dimension groups of AF C*-algebras
Minimal Cuntz-Krieger Dilations and Representations of Cuntz-Krieger Algebras
Minimal Dynamical Systems and Approximate Conjugacy
Minimal dynamical systems on the product of the Cantor set and the circle II
Minimal Dynamics and K-theoretic Rigidity: Elliott's Conjecture
Minimal dynamics and Z-stable classification
Minimal E_0-semigroups