Dual operator systems
Duality and Normal Parts of Operator Modules
Duality and operator algebras
Duality and Operator Algebras II: Operator Algebras as Banach Algebras
Duality of $W^*$-correspondences and applications
Duality of compact groups and Hilbert C*-systems for C*-algebras with a nontrivial center
Duality of cones of positive maps
Duality of Hopf $C^*$-algebras
Duality of Restriction and Induction for $C^*$-Coactions
Dualizability and index of subfactors
Dualizing the coarse assembly map
Dunkl--Williams inequality for operators \\ associated with $p$-angular distance
Dynamical entropy of generalized quantum Markov chains on gauge invariant $C^*$-algebras
Dynamical inverse problem of representation theory and noncommutative geometry
Dynamical systems associated with crossed products
Dynamical systems of type (m,n) and their C*-algebras
Dynamical Systems on Hilbert C*-Modules
Dynamical Systems on Spectral Metric Spaces