Discrete Cocompact subgroups of G_53 and related C*-algebras
Discrete product systems and twisted crossed products by semigroups
Discrete product systems of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, and generalized Cuntz algebras
Discrete product systems of Hilbert bimodules
Discretized CCR algebras
Disjointness and unique ergodicity of C*-dynamical systems
Distances between matrix algebras that converge to coadjoint orbits
Divisibility properties for C*-algebras
Divisible operators in von Neumann algebras
Dixmier traces and some applications to noncommutative geometry
Dixmier-Douady for Dummies
Doob's inequality for non-commutative martingales
Double crossed products of locally compact quantum groups
Drawing butterflies from the almost Mathieu operator
Dressing orbits and a quantum Heisenberg group algebra
DT-operators and decomposability of Voiculescu's circular operator
Dual Entropy in Discrete Groups with Amenable Actions
Dual group actions on C*-algebras and their description by Hilbert extensions
Dual Lukacs regressions for non-commutative variables
Dual operator algebras close to injective von Neumann algebras