Compactly supported analytic indices for Lie groupoids
Comparison between algebraic and topological K-theory of locally convex algebras
Comparison morphisms and the Hochschild cohomology ring of truncated quiver algebras
Comparison of cobordism theories
Comparison of Cubical and Simplicial Derived Functors
Comparison of secondary invariants of algebraic K-theory
Comparison of spectral sequences involving bifunctors
Comparisons between periodic, analytic and local cyclic cohomology
Complexes with free actions by the group of automorphisms of a free group
Complexifiable characteristic classes
Computing Borel's Regulator
Computing Borel's Regulator II
Congruence subgroups and twisted cohomology of SL_n(F[t])
Constant and Equivariant Cyclic Cohomology
Construction of Fredholm representations and a modification of the Higson-Roe corona
Continuous family groupoids
Controlled algebraic G-theory, I
Controlled K-theory I: Basic theory
Correspondences and index
Corrigendum: Uniqueness of smooth extensions of generalized cohomology theories