Coarse and equivariant co-assembly maps
Cobordism invariance of the family index
Codescent theory I: Foundations
Codescent theory II: Cofibrant approximations
Coefficients for the Farrell-Jones Conjecture
Cohomologie de de Rham entiere (Integral de Rham cohomology)
Cohomologie des algèbres de Krönecker générales
Cohomologie du groupe linéaire à coefficients dans les polynômes de matrices
Cohomology of 3-dimensional color Lie algebras
Cohomology of bifunctors
Cohomology of diagrams of algebras
Cohomology of exact categories and (non-)additive sheaves
Cohomology of split algebras and of trivial extensions
Cohomology of trivial extensions of Frobenius algebras
Cohomology of twisted tensor products
Cohomology of uniformly powerful p-groups
Cohomology ring of differential operator rings
Combable groups have group cohomology of polynomial growth
Combinatorial Descent Data for Gerbes
Commuting powers and exterior degree of finite groups