On torsion-free groups with finite regular file bases
On transfer in bounded cohomology
On triple factorisations of finite groups
On Turing dynamical systems and the Atiyah problem
On Twisted Subgroups and Bol Loops of Odd Order
On types and classes of commuting matrices over finite fields
On uniform exponential growth for solvable groups
On unipotent algebraic G-groups and 1-cohomology
On uniqueness of JSJ decompositions of finitely generated groups
On universally stable elements
On varieties of groups in which all periodic groups are abelian
On Vassiliev invariants of braid groups of the sphere
On volumes of arithmetic quotients of PO(n,1), n odd
On w-maximal groups
On word reversing in braid groups
One Relator Quotients of Graph Products
One Variable Equations in Torsion-Free Hyperbolic Groups
One-ended subgroups of graphs of free groups with cyclic edge groups
One-way permutations, computational asymmetry and distortion
Open subgroups of locally compact Kac-Moody groups