A geometric classification of some solvable groups of homeomorphisms
A geometric construction of panel-regular lattices in buildings of types ~A_2 and ~C_2
A geometric proof that SL_2(Z[t,t^-1]) is not finitely presented
A ghost ring for the left-free double Burnside ring and an application to fusion systems
A group has a flat Cayley complex if and only if it has a VAP-free Cayley graph
A group with deep pockets for all finite generating sets
A group with three real irreducible characters: answering a question of Moreto and Navarro
A group-theoretic approach to fast matrix multiplication
A Groupoid Structure on a Vector Space
A Height Gap Theorem For Finite Subsets Of GL_d(\bar{Q}) and Non Amenable Subgroups
A homological characterization of topological amenability
A Hurewicz-type theorem for asymptotic dimension and applications to geometric group theory
A Hybrid Search Algorithm for the Whitehead Minimization Problem
A hyperbolic Out(F_n)-complex
A Kronecker-Weyl theorem for subsets of abelian groups
A language theoretic analysis of combings
A lattice in more than two Kac--Moody groups is arithmetic
A Lie Algebra Correspondence for a Family of Finite p-Groups
A Lie Group without universal covering
A limit approach to group homology