A focal subgroup theorem for outer commutator words
A formula for the normal subgroup growth of Baumslag-Solitar groups
A fundamental field-space group
A GAP package for braid orbit computation, and applications
A Garside presentation for Artin-Tits groups of type $\tilde C_n$
A Gathering Process in Artin Braid Groups
A generalization of $c$-Supplementation
A Generalization of an Alternating Sum Formula for Finite Coxeter Groups
A Generalization of Moufang and Steiner Loops
A generalization of the Lyndon--Hochschild--Serre spectral sequence with applications to group cohomology and decompositions of groups
A generalization of the Menon's identity
A Generalization of the Prime Geodesic Theorem to Counting Conjugacy Classes of Free Subgroups
A generalization of the probability that the commutator of two group elements is equal to a given element
A Generalization of the Weak Amenability of some Banach Algebra
A generalized argument for dominions in varieties of groups
A Generalized Goursat Lemma
A generating set for the automorphism group of a graph product of abelian groups
A generation theorem for groups of finite Morley rank
A Generic Identification Theorem for Groups of Finite Morley Rank, Revisited
A Geometric Approach to Complete Reducibility