A colimit of classifying spaces
A Combination Theorem for Relatively Hyperbolic Groups
A combinatorial algorithm to compute presentations of mapping-class groups of orientable surfaces with one boundary component
A combinatorial problem in infinite groups
A Combinatorial Property of Ideals in Free Profinite Monoids
A Combinatorial Substitute for the Degree Theorem in Auter Space
A commutative version of the group ring
A commutator description of the solvable radical of a finite group
A comparative review of certain gauge theories of the gravitational field
A complete rewrite system and normal forms for (S)_reg
A condition that prevents groups from acting nontrivially on trees
A conformally invariant theory of gravitation and electromagnetism
A conjectural presentation of fusion algebras
A conjecture about Artin-Tits groups
A conjecture on B-groups
A conjugacy criterion for Hall subgroups in finite groups
A construction of hyperbolic Coxeter groups
A construction of lattices for certain hyperbolic buildings
A Construction of Metabelian Groups
A construction of two distinct canonical sets of lifts of Brauer characters of a p-solvable group