$C^{*}$ Estimates for Averaging Sums of Elements in the Thompson Group $F$
$F_4(2)$ and its automorphism group
$K(π,1)$ and word problems for infinite type Artin-Tits groups, and applications to virtual braid groups
$L^2$-Betti numbers and non-unitarizable groups without free subgroups
$PSL(3,q)$ and line-transitive linear spaces
$Z^n$-free groups are CAT(0)
$\mathcal{L}$-- and $\mathcal{R}$--cross-sections in the Brauer semigoup
$\Out(F_n)$ and the spectral gap conjecture
$\R$-trees and laminations for free groups I: Algebraic laminations
$\R$-trees and laminations for free groups II: The dual lamination of an $\R$-tree
$\R$-trees and laminations for free groups III: Currents and dual $\R$-tree metrics
$\R$-trees, dual laminations, and compact systems of partial isometries