Turaev genus, knot signature, and the knot homology concordance invariants
Turaev torsion and cohomology determinants for 3-manifolds with boundary
Turaev torsion, definite 4-manifolds, and quasi-alternating knots
Turaev-Viro invariants as an extended TQFT
Turn graphs and extremal surfaces in free groups
Tutte and Jones Polynomial of Link Families
Tutte and Jones polynomials of link families
Tutte Polynomials of Tensor Products of Signed Graphs and their Applications in Knot Theory
Twin TQFTs and Frobenius algebras
Twist Lattices and the Jones-Kauffman Polynomial for Long Virtual Knots
Twisted acyclicity of a circle and link signatures
Twisted Alexander invariant and non-abelian Reidemeister torsion for hyperbolic three-dimensional manifolds with cusps
Twisted Alexander Invariants of Twisted Links
Twisted Alexander norms give lower bounds on the Thurston norm
Twisted Alexander polynomial of links in the projective space
Twisted Alexander polynomials and a partial order on the set of prime knots
Twisted Alexander polynomials and character varieties of 2-bridge knot groups
Twisted Alexander polynomials and fibered 3-manifolds
Twisted Alexander Polynomials and Representation Shifts
Twisted Alexander polynomials and surjectivity of a group homomorphism