Proving a manifold to be hyperbolic once it has been approximated to be so
Proximity in the curve complex: boundary reduction and bicompressible surfaces
Pseudo-Anosov braids with small entropy and the magic 3-manifold
Pseudo-Anosov extensions and degree one maps between hyperbolic surface bundles
Pseudo-Anosov flows in toroidal manifolds
Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms and the lower central series of a surface group
Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms on translation surfaces in hyperelliptic components have large entropy
Pseudo-Anosov maps and pairs of filling simple closed geodesics on Riemann surfaces
Pseudo-Anosov maps and simple closed curves on surfaces
Pseudo-Anosovs on closed surfaces having small entropy and the Whitehead sister link exterior
Pseudo-conformal quaternionic CR structure on (4n+3)-dimensional manifolds
Pseudo-Developing Maps for Ideal Triangulations I: Essential Edges and Generalised Hyperbolic Gluing Equations
Pseudo-isotopy classes of diffeomorphisms of the unknotted pairs $(S^{n+2},~S^n)$ and $(S^{2p+2},~S^p\times S^p)$
Pseudo-slice knots
Pseudofree group actions on spheres
Pseudofree Z/3-actions on K3 surfaces
Pure braids, a new subgroup of the mapping class group and finite type invariants
Pure Virtual Braids Homotopic to the Identity Braid
P^2-reducing and toroidal Dehn fillings