The Hyperspaces $C_{n}(X)$ of finite ray-graphs
The isometry group of the Urysohn space as a Levy group
The Kepler Problem in Rotating Reference Frames: Topological Study of the Phase Flow
The Locally Fine Coreflection and Normal Covers in the Products of Partition-complete Spaces
The LSB theorem implies the KKM lemma
The maximal G-compactifications of G-spaces with special actions
The minimal cardinality where the Reznichenko property fails
The plane fixed point problem
The Rees-Suschkewitsch Theorem for simple topological semigroups
The Reznichenko property and the Pytkeev property in hyperspaces
The Roelcke compactification of groups of homeomorphisms
The role of connectedness in the structure and the action of group of isometries of locally compact metric spaces
The Solecki dichotomy for functions with analytic graphs
The structure of Valdivia compact lines
The Suslinian number and other cardinal invariants of continua
The theorem of Kerekjarto on periodic homeomorphisms of the disc and the sphere
The topological Hawaiian earring group does not embed in the inverse limit of free groups
The topological structure of (homogeneous) spaces and groups with countable cs*-character
The topological structure of direct limits in the category of uniform spaces
The topology of moduli spaces of free group representations