On continuity of correspondences of probability measures in the category of Tychonov spaces
On continuous choice of retractions onto nonconvex subsets
On continuous functions on two-dimensional disk which are regular in its interior points
On dimensionally restricted maps
On dimensions modulo a compact metric ANR and modulo a simplicial complex
On embeddings of proper and equicontinuous actions in zero-dimensional compactifications
On equilibrium states of heated self-gravitating gas clouds cooling by conduction in an external gravitational field
On extending actions of groups
On Extension Of Functors
On Faded Cosheaves of Sets
On finite T_0 topological spaces
On finite-dimensional maps
On Finite-Dimensional Maps II
On finite-sheeted covering mappings onto solenoids
On finite-to-one maps
On functors preserving skeletal maps and skeletally generated compacta
On fundamental groups of quotient spaces
On G-Continuity
On G-Sequential Continuity
On Genus of Circulant Graphs